Recently my love of physical media has been reignited. We’ve always been a family of collectors, and I grew up in a home filled with books, CDs, and VHS tapes. Having those things around where I can see them is essential for me to feel at home. When I moved into my first dorm I didn’t bring anything with me, since I knew living there would be temporary. But I felt lost and unsettled until I filled a shelf with old friends.
A pain to move, but always worth it.
I realized that having books and movies out where people could see them, see my collection, would tell the thoughtful person something about me. Sometimes the meme will go around the internet about women judging a man by his bookcase. Well, let me just say here and now: bring it on. And don’t just look at my books, take a gander at my movie library. I’m not afraid. Well, given that there’s a fair amount of really stupid action movies, maybe there’s a little fear.
Oh well. It is what it is, and I am who I am.
I don’t know why I’m on a physical media kick right now. Maybe I’m feeling unsettled again and want to acquire some new friends. Maybe I’m working toward my dream of ditching streaming for limited options by, ironically, giving myself more options. What I do know is that looking at my recently acquired Star Trek: The Original Series Blu-Ray Steelbook box set on my dresser brings me far more satisfaction than knowing I can pull up those episodes on Paramount+ whenever the mood takes me.
The packaging and artwork can be enjoyed anytime, regardless of time constraints.
Yes, I put my movies out as decoration. And Netflix will never be able to replace or replicate that. Since Amazon is having a big sale right now, I thought I’d use the opportunity to list some affiliate links to things in my collection that aren’t just worth watching but also worth looking at.
The Lord of the Rings
Peter Jackson arguably made the greatest movie trilogy of all time. Every frame is crafted with love from his singular vision.
Noirvember is coming up fast and Bogart is the best. I haven’t watched this yet, but if it’s as good as the Casablanca 4k I’m in for a treat.
One of the most perfect musicals ever made, and it looks wonderful in 4k. This is a movie I could throw on anytime and be entertained.
Last summer I watched through all of these on Blu-Ray and loved it. The first film is a masterclass in screenwriting, but all three have their charms.