At the end of 2014 I found myself working at Meijer during the holiday madness. It was my job to put away all the stuff people had returned or changed their minds about at the checkout or left laying around the store. And since I was low man on the totem pole, I was scheduled to work until 11pm so that I had time to get it all done.
It was chaos until it wasn’t. There was no way I could just go home and sleep.
So for reasons I don’t recall and will never understand, I started watching Twin Peaks for an hour or two. Something about the melodrama and soaring music was soothing, until Bob would come along and freak me out. It’s seriously some of the most frightening imagery ever aired on network TV, and even on re-watches it’s still chilling.
I was hooked.
But once I found out who killed Laura Palmer my interested started to wain. I kept thinking I’d go back and finish it. Then Netflix took it down. Yet it still remained in the back of my mind. Ten years later, I finally started over again from the very first episode. The melodrama didn’t feel quite so sappy, and knowing where things were going offered me the chance for a different perspective. While part of the second season meanders, eventually it finds its footing and gets really funny.
I’m glad I went back.
Laura Palmer promised Dale Cooper that she’d see him again in 25 years, but I didn’t have to wait that long before starting season three. The first two seasons satirized the popular primetime soaps of its time. With season three, I believe David Lynch wanted to do a sendup of contemporary prestige television, so the tone is very different. We also don’t spend as much time in Twin Peaks.
Honestly, it’s a rough watch.
I can forgive Lynch his major indulgences. Do we need five minutes of a guy mopping a floor? No. But it’s novel. Although, to be perfectly honest, I zoned out for long sections. The eighth episode of The Return is incredible, with minimal dialog and mind bending imagery. And when Cooper finally takes full control of his body, it’s a breath of fresh air. The other returning actors slip back into their roles as if no time had passed, and the new cast adapts well to Lynch’s weird world.
Lucy understands cell phones now.
I’m not going to attempt to put a worldview spin on the show. If anyone, with the exception of the ghost of David Lynch, comes to you and says he understands Twin Peaks, don’t believe him. It’s just weird, with a heavy influence of Eastern mysticism. But one gets the sense that there is a thread of esoteric logic holding it all together. So we return, trying to grasp that thread, knowing full well that it will always slip through our fingers.
I do have my trite, simplistic, theory.
My guess is that Lynch, Buddhist that he was, believed that we are all striving to be one with the Universe, but that there are malevolent things from outside the universe that wish that cause chaos and strife. Laura Palmer and Dale Cooper represent all that is good, pure, and orderly in humanity, but even they cannot escape the cycle of evil. They’re doomed to die and be reborn, tormented by the likes of Bob.
All anyone can hope for is the rare moment of serenity.
I don’t agree with Lynch, of course. And my theory is probably full of holes that those better schooled in the show are welcome to point out. But I don’t have to understand or agree with a piece of art to appreciate the artistry. David Lynch painted with narrative, the camera, and dialog in mesmerizing ways. I have a different worldview than Lynch, and would never try to mimick his style, but I believe that I can still learn a thing or two from his work about making art.
And that’s why Twin Peaks matters to me.