Think about some of the most soothing, gentle men in popular culture.
Mr. Rogers
Bob Ross
Wait. Who? I like watching YouTube videos at breakfast, and while he’ll never know it, CaffeineMan is a frequent guest come mealtime. This otherwise unnamed, gentle soul isn’t the sort of guy you’d expect to review energy drinks. But several times a week there he is, pouring out the latest Monster, Red Bull, C4, or some brand you’ve never heard of, and putting it on his CaffeineMan Rating Chart.
“But I don’t like energy drinks!”
That’s fine, and it’s not the point. What CaffeineMan has done on his little corner of the internet is create a place of order. He coordinates his shirts with the colors of the drink, goes over the ingredients and nutrition facts, and comments on the artwork. I think his background is in graphic design. “Then there’s only one thing left to do, and that’s taste it out.”
There’s a pattern to his patter.
Recently he’s started doing elaborate pours (he’d make a lousy bartender, but I digress) into his clear cups before going in for a sip. Sometimes he’s intrigued. Sometimes he’s bemused. Occasionally he’s disgusted and horrified. But then he gives his honest opinion and ranks it by his various metrics. It’s very methodical, and CaffeineMan does it in his soft-spoken, quirky way.
“That’s fine. But I still don’t like energy drinks.”
I know. So think it about this way. Right now the world, and social media especially, are filled with bombastic, obnoxious, uninformed voices screaming to the high heavens. Politics gets infused into everything. And then there’s CaffeinenMan, who just wants to rate and review high octane caffeinated beverages. We don’t watch home renovation shows because we want to do the same. We don’t watch Bob Ross because we want to paint.
We watch for the familiar, reliable formula.
Every energy drink has a different formula, but CaffeineMan is reliable. That videos about a product which winds people up can be so soothing is a study in contrasts. I dunno. I find it all amusing. Hopefully he keeps up the good work, because we need more CaffeineMen out there: people who take the time to share what they love with the world in ways that are inviting, Afterwards, you may not love energy drinks, but you’ll understand why some people do.
“Until then, have yourselves a great day… or night.”