To begin, I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday through phone calls, text messages, and social media. Turning 40, so far, seems to be pretty manageable. I didn’t wake up this morning with any new aches or pains (or any at all, really), and life continues apace.
Crossing the threshold didn’t hurt a bit.
Some of you may have seen the shirtless selfie I shamelessly shared online. If you only follow me on Facebook and Instagram, it was only in my stories for 24 hours, you missed it, and better luck next year. I wasn’t as ripped as I’ve ever been, or perhaps ever will be, and that’s okay. It wasn’t my intention to titillate or brag. My good health is a blessing, and I hope seeing that 40 doesn’t have to look like a derailed marshmallow train inspires those working toward good health and fitness might find some hope.
The day did bring back some memories.
My dad’s 40th birthday is really the first birthday celebration I remember that wasn’t my own or one of my friends. The fact I remember it makes the thought of ever having children of my own seem incredibly odd, now that I’ve already reached the age myself. But I digress. I remember Mom baked his favorite cake (German chocolate, with the coconut and walnut frosting) and that we got him a Stetson hat, which he wore and enjoyed for many years.
Sadly, I doubt anyone will remember my 40th birthday but me.
It was a fairly typical day. I got up and started with some mobility exercises to warm up. So lots of movements designed to develop and maintain spinal and thoracic strength and flexibility, along with kneeling, standing, and squats. Someday I may be an old man, but I’ll be a nimble old man. Then I got out the weights for a shoulder and triceps routine. The whole thing took about an hour and a half.
I have the luxury of time, so I use it.
Later I had a bodybuilder’s breakfast: six eggs, raw milk, rice cakes with honey, and a dish of berries. No, you don’t need to starve yourself to be lean. Afterwards, Mom and I went for a walk. It’s been shown that walking for 20 minutes after a meal helps digestion. Since it was a late breakfast, lunch was just raw nuts and vegetables. Yes, it should have had some protein. I know. No one is perfect. But dinner (as you may have seen) was five beef tacos with Greek yogurt in leu of sour cream, chipotle salsa, and half an extra large avocado.
Who needs to go out to eat with food like that available at home?
In the evening I watched two episodes of Walker: Texas Ranger (as one does) and had a snack of Greek yogurt, greens supplement, and more berries. Did I feel deprived of cake and ice cream? Well, if I’d gone out to eat at the place I like they would have given me a slice of pie. I felt a little down about missing out on birthday pie. But I was too busy enjoying what I had to be upset.
And tomorrow we’re getting together with family. There will be cake and ice cream then.
If anyone is wondering, my weight this morning was exactly the same as it’s been all week.
The activities of my day other than working out and eating involved writing, reading, and watching some TV. I spent about an hour shaping ground beef into hamburger patties for the weekend, too. Was my day, My Day, remarkable? Yes. It was remarkable in its simplicity in these complex times.
It was remarkable because every day that I can enjoy such simple gifts is a blessing. So yesterday I ate, drank, and was merry. And so far today, I haven’t died of old age.