Every year I always hope that I’ll read more. But unless I’m reading something for review, I generally only crack a book at bedtime and then reading puts me to sleep. What I’m saying is, I’m a slow reader. As much I try to pry myself away from podcasts and listen to more audiobooks, most of the time I just want something, well, disposable, while I’m working out or driving to the grocery store.
But we’re just a little halfway through January, and it’s not too late for dreaming.
So here’s a list of a few books I hope to read for myself in the coming months.
You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming
I’ve already read the first book in the Blofeld Trilogy, and I’m nearly done with second. So I figure that I might as well round third and read You Only Live Twice next. Somehow I’m not sick of James Bond, and despite the tiny print in these editions they go down smoother than a gin martini (I assume). And despite what the movies have led us to believe, Bond is just as apt to grab a bottle of Jack Daniels as he is something shaken, not stirred.
Ian Fleming by Andrew Lycett
Every year I read a biography, usually of an author. Two years ago I read one on Tolkien, last year it was Robert E. Howard, and this year it’ll be Ian Fleming. This is a thick tome, so I expect it’ll take longer than the other two. My understanding is that ol’ Ian led quite the tawdry life. Should make for some, uh, interesting reading.
On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony
It can’t be all spies all the time, so I’ll need to break things up with a little science fiction. I’ve never read any Anthony. I also have the second book in the series and if I like it I may do like I have with Bond and jump right into the next one. Anyone have any thoughts? I’m pretty much going in blind.
Hombre by Elmore Leonard
Summer is a good time for westerns, and by the time I get through the above titles I’m sure we’ll be in the midst of sunny days. I’ve read a fair share of Leonard’s crime fiction and two historical novels, but I understand he cut his teeth on oaters. When I found this one I picked up two more, so again, I may keep going.
The Brave and the Bold by Hans G. Schantz
This is one book I don’t yet have on my shelf and I probably won’t pick it up until mid-September. But after reading the first two in the trilogy, I’m looking forward to learning the end of the story.
Everything I Need to Know I Learned in The Twilight Zone by Mark Dawidziak
The sole ebook on the list, I’m trying to read a few paragraphs whenever I’m out and don’t have a physical book on me. Or if I wake up early and don’t want to disturb the cat sleeping on my shoulder. Reading this will likely prompt watching more episodes of the TV series, which will also give me more to write about here.
And that’s my list. I’m sure I’ll work some other titles in here and there. If I’m disciplined, I should have time for more than that this year. I’ll want to sprinkle in some old murder mystery novels, there will probably be another Hemingway kick, and maybe even a classic. What’s on your list for 2023?