Yesterday I almost slipped and fell. Not sure if it was a patch of ice or just the damp on the wood outside my office, but one second all was well, and the next my foot was moving in an exciting new direction. Of course my arms were full. If I hadn’t managed to catch myself, I would have landed flat on my back like a 90s Christmas movie burglar. Also, the brain is a funny thing: just as I was drifting off to sleep it told my body it was happening again.
I did not fall out of bed, and I was already flat on my back. The cat sleeping on my chest took it well, too.
The only injury I suffered is some tightness in my lower back. It didn’t stop me from doing my workout today, though it did require me to move very carefully. Still, I find myself wondering what woul have happened if I didn’t train balance and core several days a week. Or how I would have faired if I had extra bulk around my middle to manage.
We never know what life will bring us.
Almost slipping and suffering a minor injury instead of a major one was a good reminder that fitness is more than just looking good, feeling good, and being able to do stuff. It changes the way we move and how we react. All the years of learning how to move my body may have had more to do with my not falling than luck. It certainly wasn’t conscious thought.
Either way, I’m thankful for all that I’ve been able to do for and to myself.