The YouTube professional eating rabbithole has taken me down some weird paths. No, I haven’t tackled my first food challenge. Though the other night I went out to eat and my waiter clearly didn’t think I’d be able to eat the enormous amount food I ordered (I did, because I’d worked hard that day and the meal was delicious). But I’ve realized Katina and Randy aren’t the only eaters in town.
There’s the ever popular eater across the pond: Adam, aka: Beard Meats Food.
In format, his videos are very similar to Katina’s in that he films himself doing food challenges and intersperses talking to the camera with voiceover narration. He doesn’t put on huge events like Randy, but tends to quietly go to restaurants all over the world eating. Also unlike Randy, Adam has managed to stay really lean.
My guess is all the calories go straight to his epic beard.
As I’ve continued to watch all of their videos, (Adam, Randy, Katina) I’ve realized it’s not about the food, or even the travel aspect as I first believed, that keeps me coming back. Yes, those are fun too, along with the ticking clock and thrill of seeing them cross the finish line as the timer runs out. But really, it’s their personalities.
Real or fake, I like hanging out with these characters.
So I wasn’t disappointed at all to find Adam’s Breaking Bread podcast. Although the videos are professionally done, I like listening to Adam and his friend talk, sometimes with guests, sometimes just with eachother. This is not a family show, as they casually swear and make off-color jokes, but it’s just good natured fun. Sometimes they talk about Adam’s career, or their favorite bands, travel, or life.
The main problem is that my inner voice starts talking to me in their Leeds’ accent.
At the end of the day, it really all goes back to what I talked about last week. Podcasts like this have become, for me and many others, a substitute for hanging out with friends. Unless I’m really comfortable, in a group setting I’m apt to just sit back and listen while the more outgoing people talk anyway.
If nothing else, it’s always a refreshing break from politics and the paranormal nonsense I’m forever pumping into my ears.