About a month ago I did something bad to my left shoulder. I suspect it happened while doing dips. Apparently The Rock always ends his workouts with lots of weighted dips, and who doesn’t want to look like him? So I do my dips. Or I did.
Dipping is fine, kids. But don’t chew (or go with girls with do).
Well, I’ll never look like Dwayne Johnson, and my training probably has less to do with it than genetics. I once knew a guy who compared his biceps measurements to Vin Diesel’s, and while he had a chance of surpassing him, I’m not really into comparisons. I just want to reach my full potential given my age, genetics, and time. There’s no end goal, no moment when I’ll say that I have arrived, and I don’t focus on excuses. Every day I do my best to be my best.
Sometimes, my best is taking time for recovery.
I’m not a kinesiologist, so I don’t know exactly what hurt. I just know that it hurt. Holding my arm out straight at my side hurt, arcing it over my head to my opposite side hurt, and holding the steering wheel didn’t feel great either. There were two places, front and back, that seemed to be inflamed.
The massage gun, balms, and topical magnesium helped.
As an aside, I also took ibuprofen. Apparently I took too much. It didn’t upset my stomach at all, but my fingers and toes swelled up. I just figured this out Saturday and stopped taking it, and today is first day that my hands feel fine.
The more you know.
At first I tried working around the pain. I focused on doing core work, biceps, and legs. I avoided anything that put me in a planking position or hit my shoulders. Unfortunately, it was still too much. Right after training I’d feel good, and later I wouldn’t. One day things would seem to be better, and the next day they’d be a little worse.
One step forward and two steps back wasn’t getting me anywhere.
Last week I finally decided it was time to take a week just for rehab. The first two days I didn’t feel any improvement. Eventually, things started popping back into place as the inflammation went down and I could drive without any discomfort. After a few more days, I felt normal again! This week I’ve finally been able to resume my regular training and I feel about 99% better.
Here’s the exercise that helped the most. I got it from Mark Lauren’s training app, which I highly recommend.
I lay on my stomach with my forehead on the backs of my hands. Then I moved my hands to the small of my back. Keeping my left hand close to my ribs, I reached under my armpit and stretched my arm forward while exhaling. I reversed the motion and repeated it on the other side. I did this for eight reps. There are two other exercises in this workout, and I did the entire thing for three rounds.
And that was it.
The whole workout only takes about ten minutes.