“It’s journey, not the destination” is too trite. We’ve heard it so many times, it’s lost all meaning anyway.
Right now I’m putting some time and heart into an unlikely effort. The ideal outcome, should it happen, would be nothing short of miraculous. Whatever turn my journey takes, when it reaches its inevitable conclusion I’ll tell you all about it. Either here or in Eternity, if anyone still wants to listen by then. But today, I don’t want to distract from the main point.
We have to try.
Because I’m home all the time with little company, I listen to too many podcasts and get my human interaction in the vast space of social media. There are many, many voices. Everyone is trying to predict the future, or trying to speak their dreams into reality. The voices I most despise are the so-called blackpills. Mostly preppers with offroad vehicles, a lifetime supply of guns and ammo, and stockpiles of food, I think some of them want civilization to collapse so that they can say they were justified.
Then of course there are others, though in the minority, who still believe that we could be on the verge of a new Golden Age of creativity. Their arguments are sound. Out of times of gross decadence society has often come to remember and value truth and all things beautiful. Of course, history has also shown the other outcome to be the case. Sure, things can always get worse.
Someday, things will get apocalyptic.
Knowing all this, I often ask myself what’s the point and what should I be doing? Often? Heck, I ask myself those questions several times a day. I’m not cut out to be homesteader survivalist. My poor tomato plant proves that. If I can keep myself strong, put a few words together, and keep healthy food in front of my mom every day, I’m doing good. Some days go better than others.
Yet here I am on some fool’s errand, giving a little bit more of myself for a dream.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring anymore than anyone else. Hopefully Rome doesn’t fall in on itself this afternoon. Hopefully the Antichrist doesn’t ascend this year (have you heard the theory that after the Queen, by November first President Biden and the Pope are next, paving the way to a New World Order?). It’s all so plausible, perhaps, but no one really knows.
But I have to dare greatly.
There’s more value in entering the arena than in winning the fight. No matter the outcome, no matter what happens tomorrow that is beyond my control, my todays are enriched by trying. Teddy Roosevelt’s “Man In The Arena” speech is worth keeping in mind in uncertain times. We have to move past the idea of working toward a goal, sometimes, and appreciate the value in just doing the work.