From a certain perspective, everything is a story with a beginning, middle, and an end. The middle is where we spend the majority of our time, yet it's rarely anyone's favorite part. Ask any screenwriter and he'll tell you that Act II is where he's most tempted to give up. Peter Jackson's The Two Towers is a wonderful movie, yet we left a little dissatisfied because it felt incomplete until we could see the final part of the trilogy.
Getting started is fun. Arriving is cathartic. No one wants to sit in the middle seat for the whole ride.
Life is like a mystery novel. If we can resist the urge to peek at the last chapter (in life, we can't anyway), we're forever trying to be clever enough to figure it out. Maybe that's why every so often culture goes crazy over catastrophism. Yep, we've figured it out. This is how the world ends: not with a bang, nor a whimper, but with Joe Biden.
Now there's an embarassing way to go out.
"The End is nigh!" we shout, both hoping and dreading we're right. Let's be honest, things aren't looking so great right now. Turn on the news and you'll see promises of coming wars, conquests, famine, and death. The Four Horsemen on are deck as we sit helpless in the stands. Place your bets, folks. The race is about to start (or end, or whatever-- you know).
Maybe it is.
Honestly, I find all the stuff talked about in the mainstream news disconcerting enough. Then I look into the spooky side and I really start to wonder. There's more talk than ever about giants, aliens, and transhumanism that could all logically be signs of the End Times. We know for sure that all this will end eventually. Why not now?
And yet...
I'm just old enough to remember all the End Times talk in the late 80's and the fall of the Soviet Union, when people still talked about how Ronald Wilson Reagan had six letters in all three of his names, and Satanists lurked in the shadows. Again, there were plenty of things in and out of the mainstream to convince anyone that we wouldn't last the decade.
Who knows?
Eventually this age will come to an end. We know that. Right now we're coming to the end of something. We know that too. As a Christian, I know that whatever happens or however things play out, God wins.